About MelissaTucker


I am a thirty something wife and mother of two wonderful kids, a girl and boy. Both my children are under 5 and my daughter is on the autism spectrum. I rely on tech heavily both in my personal and professional life in order to get my day to day goals accomplished and I find it can be an asset to women if they are open to it. I have been in the tech industry for fifteen years and I am currently a Project Manager for a custom audio video company in the Northern Virginia area. As I have put together and managed several large scale projects I have found a recurring theme, women actively chose to not be involved in the process. They were involved in every other aspect going into their home such as flooring, countertops and paint color but not into the system that would control a large portion of their home and affect aesthetics. I decided to start this blog to encourage women to be more involved with home automation which appears to be the future of the home.

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