Let’s change the World

I have always been the one my friends and family turn to when they are having technical issues with their electronics. I am even consulted by most of them before they make electronic purchases just so they have peace of mind they are not investing in dated technology or that they are getting their money’s worth. It’s been this way ever since I was a teenager and I have always enjoyed it. When it was time for me to choose a major at FSU I had no clue what I wanted my profession to be so I ended up double majoring in the two subject I had the most credits in, French literature and Philosophy. While I was looking for a job immediately after graduation I landed a part time job with an electronic retailer until I was able to find a job that would lead me to my career path and I have never left this world since then.

Now that I am a project Manager for one of the largest Custom integrator in the country and I oversee projects in the hundreds of thousands of dollars I find myself making recommendations and explaining how technology works more than ever. A common recurrence in a lot of my meetings is that if I am reviewing project goals with both a man and woman, only the man will engage in the conversation. I can try my best to try to have her join in by asking how would she like the gear to work with the aesthetics of the home or what would she like the system to do to make life easier for her but in the end she will turn to her partner for the final decision. On the other hand, when it comes to the flooring, material of the countertop and paint color of the home the roles are reversed. This has always troubled me. Having been in this profession for 15 years I can count on one hand how many other woman I have encountered. I have also experience first hand why it is not easy for women to be accepted in this male dominated profession. The condescension, discrimination, constantly having to prove you are up to the task is enough to send anyone running for the hills. In spite of it all I love this world and I want to erase the accepted notion that women and girls have no interest in it. I love that we are finally in a place when cost has become affordable and more and more components can now talk to each other through a unified platform.

This blog was created to encourage more women to use technology in their day to day life and perhaps consider the many aspect of the world of technology as a viable career field. I would love to hear from everyone. Other women in this field, women who are curious but afraid to ask questions, the young, the older and other women who just want to keep breaking glass ceilings.

Thank you for reading this and without further due, let’s change the world.