Technology in your life
Light Control
My family and I moved into a new town house at the beginning of the year and I have to say we have never been a family that can host a house warming party. It takes us no less than three years minimum to fill a house and make it into our own. It’s not […]

Video Doorbells
The doorbell is one of those items I never really thought about before this recent surge in video doorbells. It is probably the simplest of tech in the home and one of the most needed. Press a button and two connectors touch send an electrical current to a chime placed somewhere in your home. Let […]

Automated locks
Since I love technology, it does not take much for whatever the newest gadget is to entice me into purchasing it. In my quest to make my home fully automated, I have made many purchases on a whim which I ended up regretting. Be it that the technology was not perfected yet or it is […]

20 Great Things About Montreal
Traveling is a luxury we should all experience a minimum of once a year. There is no better education than experiencing and taking part in foreign cultures, especially for children. It’s empowering to adapt to a world you are not familiar with, learn to communicate with people who speak a language you don’t understand and […]

Let’s change the World
I have always been the one my friends and family turn to when they are having technical issues with their electronics. I am even consulted by most of them before they make electronic purchases just so they have peace of mind they are not investing in dated technology or that they are getting their money’s […]